SOL Magic Eden
How to create tasks for SOL Magic Eden
1. Create Task
Go to the 'Tasks' tab
Create a 'Task Group' on the right
Select Magic Eden SOL
Choose a name for the group
Press 'Create'
Choose a name for the task
Select the wallet group
Select each wallet you want to use
2. Task Information
Collection Symbol
The remaining URL after
For, the collection symbol is lunarlabs
Mint Stage
The stage you want to mint at
For a Mint that has 4 stages ( Staff, OG, WL & Public) the mint stage will be Staff - 1 OG - 2 WL - 3
Public - 4
Priority Fees
The priority fee sent for each mint tx
If empty, the bot will default to the ME Turbo setting
Priority fee will be spent on every TX sent, including failed
The delay between each tx sent (in ms)
Pre Run
The time your tx spam will start before the drop (in ms)
The number of threads to run
Increasing this will increase concurrent transactions
This can spend a lot of SOL in tx fees if not set correctly
Max Tx Retry
The maximum amount of times Lunar will attempt to send a tx
Proxy Group
The group of proxies used to access MagicEden
If you select multiple groups, Lunar will rotate through them
Jito Tip
The Jito tip/bribe used to speed up your tx
Only spent on successful tx's
Jito Proxy Group
The proxies used for Jito
Required if you are using multiple wallets
The RPC used for the task
Use RPC for spam
The RPC will be used to send spam
Only select if your node is capable of sending a large number of tx's
Last updated