General Settings
Manage your general settings
1. Settings
Press the eye icon to view your license key
Press manage plan to view details about your license
You can do both of these directly from whop
2. Webhook Settings
You have 3 webhook choices Tasks, Test Mode & Notify
You can use one webhook for all 3 but we recommend splitting them
Learn how to make a webhook here
Send a test notification to make sure they all work
If your webhook begins with, change it to
3. Success Settings
Anonymous Success
This will hide your name when sharing success from Lunar to our discord channel
Hide Token Name
This will blur the ticker when sharing success from Lunar to our discord channel
These settings are used when sharing success directly from Lunar through the share feature, which is available in the DeFi Tasks next to each closed position.
4. Export Logs
This will export your bot logs to a .txt file
You will need to provide this whenever you have an issue
Whenever you have a technical issue, you will need to provide your logs in a ticket
5. Export Settings
Exports your current settings to a folder called lunar
Used to backup or transfer your settings to another device
To transfer your data, on your new device search for %appdata%, open this folder and place your lunar folder in here. If there is an existing lunar folder, you can delete it
Deleting the lunar folder will delete all data saved on the bot
6. Buy Sound
Toggle to Enable a buy sound on successful purchase of a token.
Press save settings in the bottom left once you are done
Last updated