Pump.Fun AFK
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Last updated
For the Pump.Fun AFK Module, there are 6 Groups of settings
Rpc Settings
Token Filters
Dev Filters
Advanced Volume Filters
Sell Triggers
Amount in SOL - Enter the amount of SOL desired to be used for each transaction.
Buy Slippage - Enter the desired slippage - For Pumpfun our slippage works as follows: - if your amount in Sol is 1 Sol and your Buy slippage set at 10%. this means you are willing to pay a maximum of 1.1 sol for the quoted amount of tokens when the spam begins.
Maximum Open Positions - Enter the maximum amount of transactions you wish to have at one time. For example, if you set 10 the task will no longer monitor new tokens until one of the 10 has been sold completely.
Spam TX Delay - Enter the desired Buy Delay in Ms. - Enter the desired Sell Delay in Ms.
MUST READ: -IF a Delay of 0ms is selected Node spam will be disabled, all Txs will then be sent via your selected service (BloXroute/Jito) ONLY. -IF a Delay HIGHER than 0ms is selected Txs will be spammed via BOTH your node and your selected service (BloXroute/Jito). -This Delay setting will only apply to your NODE Txs, The Txs handled by your chosen Service will be delayed accordingly.
Priority Fees Buy - Sets the RANGE in amount of SOL to be used to buy.
Priority Fees Sell - Sets the RANGE in amount of SOL to be used to sell.
Buy Spam - Unique Tx Number- Enter the total amount of Txs to be sent. - Max Retries- Enter the number of retries the bot will send for each transaction.
Sell Spam - Unique Tx Number- Enter the total amount of Txs to be sent. - Max Retries- Enter the number of retries the bot will send for each transaction.
Transaction Fees and Retry Recommendations:
Unique Transactions: Each unique transaction will incur a fee.
Retries: Retries of the same transaction do not incur any additional fees.
To optimize transaction attempts, we recommend setting a high number of retries. For best results, aim to retry for at least 1 second. For instance, if you set the interval to 100 milliseconds (ms), you can perform up to 10 retries per second for each transaction.
For example:
would operate as follows
1st retry starts send TX1 to all the nodes wait 100ms send TX2 to all the nodes wait 100ms
2nd retry starts send TX1 to all the nodes wait 100ms send TX2 to all the nodes wait 100ms
3rd retry starts send TX1 to all the nodes wait 100ms send TX2 to all the nodes wait 100ms
Repeat until 10 retries have been complete or tx confirmed
Monitor - Select the Monitor to be used
Monitor selection In House monitor option - This type of monitoring involves the use of the lunar built-in gRPC to observe the collection of information about current tasks. Geyser monitor option - This type of monitoring implies the use of your private gRPC, which is specified in the main settings of the bot, as well as in a given format you can use an unlimited number of grpc for monitoring.
When speed is a necessity having a High quality Geyser is recommended.
HTTP RPC - Select your SOL RPC node to be used for sending transactions.
Test Mode - Toggle to Enable test mode - Test mode will simulate a 1200ms delay.
BloXroute Buy Tip - Enter your desired BloXroute buy tip to be used with your transaction. - Minimum 0.01 sol recommended tip for the use of all services.
BloXroute Sell Tip - Enter your desired BloXroute buy tip to be used with your transaction. - Minimum 0.01 sol recommended tip for the use of all services.
Jito Buy Tip - Enter your desired Jito buy tip to be used with your transaction. - Minimum 0.001 sol recommended tip for use with a free plan.
Jito Sell Tip - Enter your desired Jito buy tip to be used with your transaction. - Minimum 0.001 sol recommended tip for use with a free plan.
Use BloXroute for Buy - Toggle to use BloXroute for Buy transactions.
Use BloXroute for Sell - Toggle to use Bloxroute for Sell transactions..
We HIGHLY RECOMMEND users enable " use Stacked RPC" in Settings -> Others. if using BloXroute
Use Jito for Buy - Toggle to use Jito for Buy transactions.
Use Jito for Sell - Toggle to use Jito for Sell transactions.
Note: Users have to select one service for each transaction. i.e you can't select both Jito AND BloXroute for buy transactions, users can however use select Jito for buy and BloxRoute for sell transactions.
At Least 1 Social - Toggle to buy if at least one Real Social is linked
Has Twitter - Select to filter out any tokens not with a linked twitter account.
Has Telegram - Select to filter out any tokens not with a linked telegram.
Has Website - Select to filter out any tokens not with a linked website.
We verify if the Twitter, Telegram, and website links provided are genuine. We also check to ensure that the Twitter, Telegram, and website links are not identical, as some tokens may use the Telegram link for all fields for example to try and bypass bot filters.
Name Positive Keywords - Enter keywords which if scanned, the bot will attempt to buy. For example if your keywords are cat,wif,dog, and a new pair named lunarwifhat deploys, the bot will attempt to purchase.
Name Negative Keywords - Enter keywords which if scanned, the bot will NOT purchase. For example if your keywords are cat,wif,dog, and a new pair named lunarwifhat deploys, the bot will NOT attempt to purchase.
Ticker Positive Keywords - Enter ticker keywords which if scanned, the bot will attempt to purchase. For example if your keywords are bolt,jerem,erik, and a new pair named boltwifhat deploys with the ticker $BOLT, the bot will attempt to purchase.
Ticker Negative Keywords - Enter ticker keywords which if scanned, the bot will NOT purchase. For example if your keywords are DQ,elite,zoot and a new pair named darkqueen depoys with the ticker $DQ, the bot will not attempt to purchase.
Minimum Bonding Curve Progress - Enter the desired % the bot will attempt to purchase. - Enter the desired time in seconds to hit % entered.
Maximum Holders Holding % - Enter the maximum amount of token % that one holder has. For example if you set to 8 and there is a buyer who holds 9% of that token, the bot will NOT purchase.
Minumum Transaction Count - Enter the minimum amount of transactions the token must have before the bot will attempt to purchase.
Unique Holder Count - Enter the minimum and maximum amount of holders of a specific token.
Anti-Bundle Strategy
Our system includes a robust built-in anti-bundling strategy, with additional customization available through specific fields in the task parameters. This feature is designed to prevent manipulation of buy volumes, commonly seen on platforms like pump.fun, where one or multiple wallets conduct repetitive buy and sell transactions to create fake buy volumes.
Max Single Wallet Buy - This field sets the minimum number of buy transactions a unique wallet must make before triggering the anti-bundle filter.
Minimum buy amount - This field specifies the minimum SOL amount for each buy transaction that counts towards the filter.
Maximum Developer Deploys - Enter the maximum number of tokens created by a dev.
Minimum Dev Completed Token - Enter the minimum amount of tokens that must have migrated to Raydium from a developer.
When a new token is created, we check all the previous tokens developed by the same creator. If, for example, 2 of their past tokens were migrated to Raydium and the user specifies a requirement of at least 1, we will proceed with the purchase.
Minimum Dev Token Mcap - the bot will only buy a token if the Developer has a token with a CURRENT market cap above the specified amount.
Developer Initial Buy - Sets the minimum and maximum SOL purchase for the initial developer buy.
Dev max. holding % - Maximum % of the token creator position.
Dev Address - Enter Dev addresses to constantly monitor and buy if an address listed here deploys a token on PumpFun
Whitelisted Wallets - Select to use the Whitelist and Blacklist wallet list. - Once selected the lists will be checked before buying a token.
Enable Pumpit - Toggle to enable Pumpit integration.
These filters work by detecting X transactions and/or at least Y sol delta within the time window
Time Window -Enter the desired timeframe for the filters to take place within -this setting is required to run these filters but not the task, if a user does not want to use these filters then leave this field blank.
Mix Txn Count -Enter the minimum Tx amount to be detected INSIDE of the specified time window before the bot will buy a token
Minimum Sol Delta -Enter the minimum sol delta that must be detected within the time window before the bot will buy a token - Sol delta is the accumulative value of the specified amount of tokens, -Example: You select 5 Txn TX 1 = Buy 1 sol TX 2 = Buy 2 sol TX 3 = Buy 0.5 sol TX 4 = Sell 1 sol TX 5 = Sell 1 sol Delta value calculation: 1sol + 2sol + 0.5sol - 1sol - 1sol = Delta Value 1.5sol - Entering a minus value will cause the bot to purchase on negative volume or a " Pullback"
Example 1: I want to buy if all other conditions are met and there is at least 10txns with a positive sol delta >= 5sol within 30sec to catch a "positive" volume Example 2 I want to buy if all other conditions are met and there is at least 10txns with a negative sol delta <= -5sol within 30sec to catch a "negative" volume
Trailing Stop
Trailing Stop - Enter the Trailing Stop for the position. - Example: A token was purchased at $100 and a Trailing Stop of 20% was selected. When the token price reaches $200 the trailing stop will be triggered at $180. $200 - $20 = $180
Trailing Stop Price=Highest Price−Trailing Amount
Stop loss - Enter the desired Stop loss as a %.
Take Profit 1, 2, & 3 - Field 1 = % of the position to sell - Field 2 = % profit for the sell to trigger - Field 3 = profit % for NEW STOP LOSS
If a token was purchased with a token price of $1. when the price reaches $2 ( 100% specified above) 50% of the HOLDERS tokens will be sold.
The stop loss for this position would then move to $1.75 and a complete position closure would be initiated if this price is reached.
Sell if Dev Sell (X) % of his position - if the dev sells more than the specified %, the position will be closed.
Sell If Bonding Curve Reaches (X) % - Enter the percentage of the Bonding Curve you wish to sell your position at.
Inactivity Timeout - Enter the amount of seconds you will allow of inactivity. With each new buy or sell of the token, the timer resets.
Profit TImeout Field 1 - Amount of position to be Sold if the following values AREN'T achieved . - Field 2 - Profit % that MUST be achieved in the specified timeframe. - Field 3 - Timeframe the specified Profit MUST be achieved in.
with the following settings selected: 100% of the position WILL be sold IF 25% profit IS NOT achieved in 10 seconds.
Sell on migration - Toggle to sell as soon as the token migrates to raydium.
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